
will be alone..

Today seems like working alone tho i cannot blame my room mate (K.nor). The other one (K.ana) is on leave which she's gonna deliver her 2nd child this week.. possibly. K.nor is already 2 months pregnant and her illness keeps bothering her during working hours. I can see she's really exhausted.. i cant help her coz i donno what to do..

Today i have done several task since last week coz there's many things to do for the pending work. i even didn't update the paper since the 1st of January 2012.. so this week will be the end of february and that makes me double pending months paper work.. that is so so no good.

i will try my best to finish it before march while i'm still in a good shape.. (good shape ni bukan maksud bdn cantik tp maksudnye sihat) Oops, berbahasa melayu plak..hehe..

what about u readers..? what's your story for today..?

have a nice day..(^_^)


  1. Salam dear,

    We'll never be alone because Allah always by our side... Take care & take some rest as you need it :)

  2. Marya:
    Salam.. thank you for your support..
    you too take care.. (^_^)


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