Hi readers, how are you..? Maaf ye sbb Aini dh lama dh update blog since cuti raya.. hehe.. Sejak start keje alik ni, keje bertimbun2 dan ramai tul kaco Aini sampai Aini x berkesempatan utk update blog.. So skg ni sempat lah sementara jam 8.30 br start keje alik..
Ok, pada 24hb Ogos 2013..Aini telah menerima Anugerah SM (Sales Manager) di Dewan PGRM, Cheras.. Bermula dr jam 2 ptg hingga jam 6ptg.. Masa on the way tu mmg jam sgt2 Ya Rabbi.. Dh lama sangat tak ikut jalan tu lagipun mmg aini jarang sgt2 lalu situ, jalan jam pun sbb ada construction MRT.. Ok back to the topic..
SM/SSM Award ni telah diraikan oleh Mentor dan company tu sendiri.. Alhamdulillah semua berjalan dengan lancar.. Dah lama x naik stage dgn berhadapan beribu orang mmg nervous sgt lah.. GLAMpreneurs has RAWK the stage..Congratulations to all GLAMpreneurs especially to my beloved Leader Elya and including myself..hehe.. We will never give up.. with GLAM we walk the walk and also we talk the talk.. eh betul ke Elya..? hehe Everything will be guided from A to Z.. (^_^)
Ok kite tgk gambar ye.. jommm..!!
Snap..snap before our names call out
My Leader, Elya..
I was so nervous on stage..but it went well..received an award by General Manager
My mentor Hanis Haizi. Bila berjumpa dn Hanis wajib ambik gambar dgn dia..
To take the high spirit from her..hehe
What's behind my head..haha
Founder of GLAM CDM Razali Zain and CDM Hanis Haizi
Dua Insan yg banyak menolong usahawan2 baru dan melahirkan ramai jutawan muda.

Lets be part of GLAM, you'll be guided every single time..
For further info about GLAM,
just contact me Aini at 012-3004324
With Love,
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